Author: JORDAN ELIZABETH (formerly known as Jordan Elizabeth Mierek)

Type of Book: eBook

Length: 200 pages

Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal Fiction, Historical Fiction

Release Date: October 2014


ISBN: 978-1-62007-746-7

Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 

~ I received a free copy of this book from the publisher I n exchange for an honest review. 

The story begins in October of 2001. Honoria just started school at Arnn High School. All her life she has lived in New York City, but after September 11th when both her parents died in the World Trade Center Terrorist Attack her Aunt and Uncle decide to move them out to the country. They now live in what used to be an inn in the tiny town of Arnn. 

Shortly after arriving in town Honoria meets her neighbor Leon who is very interested in researching the history of their town.

The townspeople believe that there is a place in their woods that is home to a witch. They call the place “Witchwood Hollow” and they say that if you enter the hollow, you will never leave. 

This story fits into multiple classifications and genres. It is paranormal fiction, young adult fiction, historical fiction and it also fits into the mystery genre. Essentially this means that the potential numbers of readers for this book are huge. 

The story fluctuates between multiple time periods. While the main story is set in 2001, there are two other important timelines that the writer returns to multiple times. Those periods are the years 1670 and 1850. The author does a good job of including historic events to give the reader a sense of when each event takes place. 

The author does a wonderful job of describing the serenity of the area surrounding the woods that contain Witchwood Hollow. “To her right stretched a hayfield, the weeds swaying like ocean waves. Wildflowers poked their heads through the brown and green stalks. To her left lay a hill dotted with oak trees. The green leaves shifted to crimson and gold, the wind making the branches creak. Beyond the trees lay weedy banks, and beyond that, the woods.” It is little wonder that Albertine felt safe in such an idyllic place. 

I was pleasantly surprised by the multiple twists in this book. It made the reading experience much more enjoyable. I will be looking to read more books by Jordan Elizabeth. 

If you have read any of my reviews in the past, you will know that I take editing and proof-reading seriously. I believe that Indie authors can hold their own with authors who are represented by the major book publishers, but if an Indie author wants to have their talent recognized by a wide audience, then they need to have their work proofread and edited properly. 

This eBook is in dire need of a proof-reading or a going-over by a professional editor. I stopped counting after I noticed 50 errors. Most of these would be simple to fix, such as using the words “as lease” when it should say “at least” or omitting words completely such as in this sentence: “… they sent her postcards from city…” which is missing the word “the” before the word “city”. To me these are simple and easily caught errors. This book was published more than a year ago and there is really no excuse for these errors to still be in the eBook. 

Because of the errors I feel that I must reduce my rating of this book by one star. So, what would have been a 5 star book, now becomes a 4 star book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Find out more about this book at: 


Jordan Elizabeth, formally Jordan Elizabeth Mierek, writes down her nightmares in order to live her dreams. With an eclectic job history of working as a college professor; historic costumed interpreter at Fort Stanwix, Victorian Leisure Fair, and Mayfaire on the Green; office specialist; sales clerk; election inspector; and trainer, she is now diving into the world of author.It happens to be her favorite one.

When she’s not creating art or searching for lost history in the woods, she’s updating her blog, Kissed by Literature. Jordan is the president of the Utica Writers Club and maintains JordanElizabethMierek.com.

She roams Central New York, but she loves to travel. A great deal of time has been spent in a rural town very similar to Arnn, the setting of her novel ESCAPE FROM WITCHWOOD HOLLOW.

Also visit her Author Page on the Curiosity Quills website: https://curiosityquills.com/authors/jordan-elizabeth/