5 HUGE Stars for SPOILER ALERT: YOU’RE GONNA DIE by Korttany Finn and Jacquie Purcell – BOOK REVIEW

1a1 Spoiler Alert Youre Gonna Die Cover

Title: SPOILER ALERT: You’re Gonna Die

Subtitle: Unveiling Death One Question At A Time

Authors: Korttany Finn and Jacquie Purcell

Type of Book: eBook

Length: 109 pages

Genre: Non-Fiction

Release Date: November 30, 2015

Publisher: Booktrope Editions

ISBN: 978-1-5137-0462-3

Price: $3.99 (USD)

Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


This book is unlike anything I have ever read before. In fact, I don’t think anything like this has ever been published before.

Jacquie Purcell is a Deputy Coroner who invited 75,000 strangers, through the Internet, to ask her anything they wanted to know about death or about her job. The questions poured in and resulted in the creation of this book.

According to co-author, Korttany Finn, “Jacquie…encounters almost every aspect of death on a daily basis and has the gift for making it all sound so normal. And that, I realized, is why she is making a difference. This stuff NEEDS to be normalized. It is perfectly acceptable to discuss death in an open, informal setting and maybe even sprinkle a little humor on top.”

I’m not sure who originally quoted the saying, “There are two things in life everyone can count on … Death and taxes,” but the saying seems to still be true. Everyone will die eventually. Even though modern medicine is able to keep us alive longer than ever before in history, death is still inevitable. If someone ever finds the ‘Fountain of Youth’ this may change, but I doubt that will happen anytime soon.

With an aging baby-boomer population and more and more people taking care of elderly or infirm relatives in their own homes and the knowledge that death is inevitable, it is more important than ever that we educate ourselves on this topic.

When someone you love is diagnosed with a disease, it is normal to want to educate yourself about that specific disease. This knowledge enables you and your loved ones to talk openly and together, to make educated decisions.

Yet, when it comes to death, many individuals seem to bury their heads in the sand and avoid talking about death. It almost seems like they think that if they do not talk about it, that it will never happen to them. This is, of course, ridiculous.

By writing this book, authors Korttany Finn and Jacquie Purcell are removing some of the mystery surrounding the topic of death. Maybe it will help people to be better prepared when a death does occur.

This book not only tackles death of the elderly or or illness deaths such as cancer, it also talks about murder, suicide, SIDS, automobile accidents, accidental death, and much more.

Korttany Finn and Jacquie Purcell have taken a topic that is considered taboo to some people and presented it in such a way that it seems “normal.” This is a terrific accomplishment and, in my opinion, a very important step toward educating the general public.

It does not matter if you are 16, 36, 60 or even older, this book should be a MUST READ. Every one of us will experience death at some point in our lives, whether it is our own demise or that of a loved one. This book will help prepare you for dealing with it when it comes.

I believe strongly that knowledge is power. The death of a loved one is something that often makes those left behind feel overwhelmed and powerless. Reading this book won’t lessen your grief, but it could lessen your feelings of confusion and that is a very good thing.

This book is utterly fascinating and strangely compelling. I was never bored reading this book. In fact, I found myself so engrossed in it that I finished the entire book in a single day.

Before reading this book I believed myself to be fairly knowledgeable about death and dying, but I have to admit that I wasn’t as informed as I had previously thought. I learned a lot and can now say with confidence that I know the difference between rigor mortis, livor mortis and algor mortis. Do you?

Jacquie’s willingness to answer any question on the topic of death makes this book supremely interesting. For example, some of the questions answered in this book include:

* What do you think is the most painless way to die?
* What’s the strangest cause of death you’ve come across?
* When I die, am I allowed to be buried with my husband? Let’s say he dies first, 5 years before me; could they dig him up and throw me in with him?
* Can you explain the process of embalming?
* Do embalmed bodies smell similar to UN-embalmed bodies?

How can you not want to know the answers to the above questions? Plus, they are only a fraction of the questions and answers contained within this book’s pages.

I rate this book as 5 out of 5 stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I cannot emphasize enough how much I believe that every adult needs to read this book. After you finish the book you will know what things you should be discussing with those you love so that they will know what your wishes are after your death. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT and will help your loved ones and will ensure that your wishes for burial (or cremation, etc) are followed.

~ I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.


Buy the book in the USA HERE!

Buy the book in Canada HERE!

Buy the book in the UK HERE!


JACQUIE PURCELL is a coroner and a married mother of four children. She has set up a website where you can go for more information. Visit http://www.askacoroner.com where you can submit any questions you have that were not covered in her book.

Follow Jacquie on Twitter at https://twitter.com/askacoroner

Follow Jacquie on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/askacoroner/ 

KORTTANY FINN is married to a “delightfully brainy husband” and together they have three children.

“She is devoted to taking other people’s experiences, tuning and polishing them to perfection, then bringing them to life in print.”

Check out Korttany Finn on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/korttany?fref=ts

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4 Stars – A Giveaway & Blog Tour for GIRL’S GUIDE TO THE APOCALYPSE




Author: Daphne Lamb

Published By: Booktrope Publishing

Publication Date: August 11, 2015

Genre: New Adult Fiction, Post-Apocalyptic Fiction



Welcome to the Apocalypse. Your forecast includes acid rain, roving gangs and misplaced priorities, in this comedic take on the end of the world as we know it, from debut author Daphne Lamb. As a self-entitled, self-involved, and ill equipped millennial, Verdell probably wouldn’t have ranked very high on the list of those most likely to survive the end of the world, but here she is anyway. Add in travelling with her work addicted boss, her boyfriend who she has “meh” feelings for, and a handful of others who had no businesses surviving as long as they have, and things aren’t exactly going as planned. But despite threats of cannibalism, infected water supplies, and possibly even mutants, Verdell is willing to put in as little effort as she can get away with to survive.




About the Author

Daphne Lamb was raised in the wilds of Colorado and now resides in a very different wilderness known as Los Angeles. She is a comedian and award winning writer who has worked in television, film and video games. In her spare time, she enjoys collecting comic books, discussing awesomely bad movies and thinks about what it would be like to own a cat.

She loves connecting to fans and readers, so feel free to connect!



The very first sentence in the book states: “The day of the apocalypse was a really bad day.” I actually snorted when I read this. What a great way to immediately set the tone of this book.

The main character describes herself so well that I decided not to change the description at all. “…me, Verdell Sonobe, born of the Eighties, recipient of absentee parenting but constant loving care from the TV, educated in the philosophy that if I wanted it then I probably deserved it … I was a data coordinator… an inconsequential job at a now inconsequential company. Regardless, it helped fulfill all I wanted in life, which was falling asleep to true crime shows. I was one of the few people achieving their dreams on a regular basis…”

Verdell goes on to explain how the apocalypse came about, but I do not want to spoil it for potential readers so I will leave out those details. Suffice it to say that author Daphne Lamb has come up with a truly unique apocalypse scenario. I love it!

This book is almost a spoof of all the other post-apocalyptic novels on the market.

Daphne Lamb has a biting wit that I enjoyed reading. She has captured the absurdity of human nature exceptionally well.

The story follows Verdell as she tries to not only survive the apocalypse, but also to find her place in the strange new world she finds herself in.

The copy I received was an ARC (Advance Review Copy) and did have some proofreading errors, but hopefully these will not exist in the final version of the book. For example, “Following him where several smaller figures, all women.” Obviously, “where” should have replaced with “were.”

Other examples are using the word “breath” instead of “breathe” or “regiment” instead of “regimen”. Due to the typos and proofreading errors, I have to reduce my rating from 5 to 4 stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 

Favourite Quote:

“He sort of reminded me of a clean-cut hobbit in Gap chinos, trying to test the waters of any infatuation that might be there. I tried to imagine him petting a puppy to enhance his appeal, then immediately felt bad for the puppy.”

Enter the Rafflecopter for a chance to win a copy of the book and a survival kit!
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4 Stars for THE SKELETON SONG by Angela Kulig – BOOK REVIEW

1 angels skeleton




Type of Book: eBook

Length: 91 pages

Genre: Young Adult Horror

Release Date: 2012

Rating: 4 out of 4 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Before I begin writing my review of the content of this book, I feel that I must comment on the stunning cover of this novella. It is absolutely gorgeous. It does exactly what a good cover should – it draws your eye. Kudos go to the cover artist.

Now, on to the book:

Skeleton Lake certainly lives up to its name. I feel the need to mention that the beginning is a bit traumatic, but it is certainly memorable.

“Though drowning isn’t the way that most adventures start, it is the only way at Skeleton Lake.”

At only 91 pages, this novella can be read in a single afternoon. The author, Angela Kulig, has come up with a truly strange yet interesting concept.

Skeleton Lake is a place to which certain people are called. Once they are called, they come. There is no way to refuse. Once they arrive at the lake, there is no going back to their old lives.

That siren call compels them to enter the lake which is where their human bodies die. But, the soul remains. They become animated skeletons and they “grow up”. Once they reach puberty they are told who their soulmate is.

Imagine how amazing it must feel to meet the other half of yourself; to feel a sense of utter contentment. It would be pure bliss!

But, what if you wanted to be able to choose? What happened to free will? Is it really love if you had no say in the choosing of your soulmate?

You need to read THE SKELETON SONG to find out. I have to admit that the huge number of typos drove me crazy, but that is because I am a perfectionist and I expect a high level of quality from a published book.

I enjoyed this book. At times I found it strange and confusing, but I believe that was the author’s intention. It mirrors the way the main character feels throughout much of the story.

I recommend reading this book if you are a fan of the weird and the macabre.

I rate THE SKELETON SONG as 4 out of 5 stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

The next book in The Skeleton Lake series is already available and I have added it to my TBR (To Be Read) list.

My favourite quote from this book is: “The sight and smell was so intense, I wondered if heaven had begun to leak into the real world.”

~ I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: (Information copied from www.angelakulig.com )

1 Angela Kulig Author pic

I wrote my first novel just shy of my thirteenth birthday, and at twenty-nine I still haven’t stopped. Many times, I write about dark, tragic, and beautiful things. Sometimes, I write about love. Love in it’s various forms; as love isn’t all peanut butter cups and roses, usually it’s dreadful. Often it’s cataclysmic.

All I ever wanted to do was write books, but that was the dream of a little girl and it was surprisingly easily fulfilled. Now I want to write books people read, different books, about unique places and things; shocking books, books that make you feel alive, and characters you sometimes wish weren’t dead.

5 Stars for CRYO-MAN by Kevin George – BOOK REVIEW

Cryo-Man Cover

5 Stars for HEDON by Jason Werbeloff – BOOK REVIEW

HEDON Book Cover

Title: HEDON



Type of Book: eBook

Length: 253 pages

Genre: Science Fiction, Adults Only

Release Date: February 19, 2015

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

~ I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.


In 2051, the Bhutanese Empire rules post-apocalyptic Shangri with iron-fisted Buddhist compassion. Happiness is compulsory, but making everyone happy isn’t easy in an overpopulated world. Breeders are ghettoed, homosexuality is mandatory, and Shangrians’ happiness levels are strictly monitored by hedometers implanted in their heads. Become depressed, or feel too happy without helping others feel the same, and The Tax Man will get angry. Very angry.

Gemini and Cyan, winners of the pregnancy lottery, are on the run. Cyan can’t fall pregnant, and Gemini is addicted to the Experience Machine. Will they evade The Tax Man, and find a way to end the brutal pleasures of Shangri?

The lovechild of Brave New World and The Handmaid’s Tale, HEDON is gritty satire on a dystopia drunk with bigotry and positive thinking.


This book is definitely not for those who are squeamish. It is meant only for adults 18+.

In a utopian world (to some) and a dystopia to others, where homosexual sex is not only the norm, but is a requirement, anyone with heterosexual proclivities must hide their nature to live in Shangri. Those that do not, or will not, are considered to be the dregs of humanity and are forced to live in the walled ghetto. Shangri citizens call them “BREEDERS” which is considered the ultimate slur.

“SHANGRI – Ensuring your happiness, so you don’t have to.”

The ghetto which is highly reminiscent of the Jewish ghettos created by Hitler during the Holocaust, is a slum. People raised in Shangri believe that Breeders are completely lawless and that they drink the blood of babies. This is again similar to the propaganda that Hitler’s Third Reich spewed during World War 2.

The ideals of Shangri are wonderful. It is the way they go about pursuing those ideals that is the problem.

This novel will force you to face some hard questions. What would you be willing to do to survive? Would you give up? Or would you bide your time and hope for a chance to fight the good fight? These are only a few of the quandaries that the protagonist faces in HEDON.

Jason Werbeloff has done an amazing job of writing about the difference between an ideal and the achievement of that ideal.

This novel is a fascinating dystopian tale that will stay with you long after reading the final page.

I have no choice but to rate this novel as 5 out of 5 stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ It actually deserves a higher rating, but 5 is the highest allowable.

(Info copied from his website)

Hedon Author Pic

Human. Male. From an obscure planet in the Milky Way Galaxy. Sci-fi novelist with a PhD in philosophy.

Likes chocolates, Labradors, and zombies (not necessarily in that order). Werbeloff spends his days constructing thought experiments, while trying to muster enough guilt to go to the gym.

He’s written two novels, Hedon and The Solace Pill, and the short story anthology, Obsidian Worlds. His books will make your brain hurt. And you’ll come back for more.

Subscribe to his newsletter to receive a free novel, and a lifetime of free and discounted stories: http://smarturl.it/werbeloff



4 Stars for WORSE THAN DEATH by Mark Allen – Novella Review



Subtitle: Day One of the Zombie Apocalypse

Author: Mark Allen

Type of Book: eBook – Novella

Length: 27 pages

Genre: Horror

Release Date: April 2014

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

*** HOLY CRAP***

That was my response to reading the very first sentence in this story. I won’t quote it here (as much as I would love to) because I don’t want to ruin the beginning for potential readers.

** I feel that I need to add a warning to this review that WORSE THAN DEATH is not suitable for all readers. This book contains scenes of graphic violence that will be disturbing to some readers. I suggest that this book is only appropriate for adult readers ages 18 and older.**

Russell Stavin experiences a recurring and absolutely horrific nightmare every night. “Except it wasn’t a dream. It was a memory.”

Russell had been a Marine Scout Sniper who spent two years in Afghanistan. He now lives on a thirty acre property located in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York with his wife and young daughter.

When zombies start to rise Russell Stavin is shocked and appalled, but he quickly learns that sometimes the walking dead can be the least of your worries.

His wife and daughter are trapped by an evil man and Russell is determined to save them despite the fact that he must somehow make his way through a horde of zombies to do it.

This book also contains a bonus short story entitled “All The Way”.

I enjoyed WORSE THAN DEATH. It is a fast-paced, gore-filled tale of the first day of the zombie apocalypse.

The author has the gift of hard-hitting writing that grabs your attention and holds it right until the very end.

I have read A LOT of zombie fiction, so it takes quite a bit to impress me. This story did that.

Also, since it is only 27 pages long it is a quick read. You can even read it on your lunch hour.

I love the cover of this novella. I don’t know if it was done on purpose, but the cover brings to my mind posters of B Horror Movies from the 1970s. It has a distinctive classic horror flair that attracted me to it.

The quote I liked the best in this book is: “The zombie went down as if bitch-slapped by the hand of God.”

I rate this novella as 4 out of 5 stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Author Mark Allen

Mark Allen lives in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York. He writes horror and action fiction.

For more information visit his blog at www.gunsgutsgod.blogspot.com





Boiling Point Blitz Banner

by Tessa Bailey
Crossing the Line, #3
Publication Date: January 25, 2016
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Boiling Point Cover

Purchase: Amazon | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | B&N| Kobo | iBooks

Synopsis: Falling for a con man is the most dangerous game of all…

Con artist Austin Shaw’s been in disguise so long he’s not sure where his fake identities end and he begins. Now that he’s been strong-armed into working for a specialized undercover unit working with the Chicago police—criminals with unique “skills”—the last thing he needs is to risk his iron control. Especially when it comes to a certain stunningly sexy hacker who tempts him with every look of disdain.

Polly Banks will never, ever trust a con man. On the trail of a ruthless crook who destroyed the only family she’s ever known, Polly is unnerved by the shadow who follows her every move. The one who makes her pulse pound and breath short with lust. Austin. He’s infuriating, enigmatic, and pure sex appeal, and she’s determined to resist him.

But an untrustworthy man of disguise can become anyone he wants…including a man that Polly must trust if she’s to escape their dangerous game alive.



Riskier Business #0.5 Cover

by Tessa Bailey
Crossing the Line, #0.5
Publication Date: January 5, 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Purchase: Amazon | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | B&N| Kobo | iBooks

Synopsis: One more game. And this time, there are no rules…

After a life of pool hustling and living on the wrong side of the law, Ruby Elliott is living on the straight and narrow with sexy-as-all-hell NYPD detective, Troy Bennett. Now the only trouble Ruby has with the law is the naughty kind, pinned against the wall by Troy’s strict and spectacularly hard body. Obeying his every command. Both of them losing themselves in a lust that borders on obsession…

But then her father returns with an offer she can’t refuse: one last hustle in exchange for information. Information she’d die to have. As the pieces and the players of the game reveal themselves, Troy feels the fine edges of his control slipping—control he can’t channel without hurting Ruby. The stakes are high, and the risk higher. Because losing this final game could cost more than Ruby’s heart…it might cost her life.


Risking It All #1 Cover

by Tessa Bailey
Crossing the Line, #1
Publication Date: January 27, 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Purchase: Amazon | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | B&N| Kobo | iBooks

Synopsis: NYPD detective Seraphia Newsom will avenge her brother’s death at any cost. Even if it means insinuating herself into a rough, Brooklyn street gang and going so far undercover, she’s not sure she’ll be able to get out. Every minute she spends in their midst means the clock ticking down on her life, especially when she overhears something that could get her killed.

Bowen Driscol is the heir to a crime enterprise. He never asked for the job, but with his father behind bars, he has no choice but to step in and keep the operation running. But when the NYPD blackmails him with a piece of damning information in exchange for aiding an undercover cop, he finds himself on the other side of the law for the first time in his life.

Bowen knows the danger Sera is in, and keeping her safe trumps saving his own ass. The problem? She can’t know he’s on her side. And there’s the matter of the seriously inconvenient heat sparking between them that’s incinerating his resistance. But Sera only sees Bowen’s past, and men like him are the reason her brother is dead. If they’re to get out alive, he’ll have to risk exposing the man beneath, and hope to hell he doesn’t blow the whole operation in the process.


Up In Smoke #2 Cover

by Tessa Bailey
Crossing the Line, #2
Publication Date: June 23, 2015
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Purchase: Amazon | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | B&N| Kobo | iBooks

Synopsis: Never start a fire you can’t control…

Connor Bannon is supposed to be dead. Dishonorably discharged from the Navy SEALs, he’s spent the last two years working as a street enforcer in Brooklyn for his cousin’s crime ring. Through a twist of fate, he’s now in Chicago, working undercover to bust criminals. But when a cute little arsonist joins the team—all combat boots, tiny jean shorts, and hot-pink hair—Connor’s notorious iron control slips.

Erin “she’s getting away” O’Dea knows two things. She hates authority. And… Nope, that’s it. When she’s forced to operate on the “right” side of the law, her fear of being confined and controlled blazes to the surface. The last thing she expects is a control freak like Connor to soothe her when she needs it most. Worse, something behind the sexy ex-soldier’s eyes ignites a dangerous inferno of desire. One that invites Erin to play with fire. And one that could get them both killed…




Tessa Bailey is originally from Carlsbad, California. The day after high school graduation, she packed her yearbook, ripped jeans and laptop, driving cross-country to New York City in under four days.

Her most valuable life experiences were learned thereafter while waitressing at K-Dees, a Manhattan pub owned by her uncle. Inside those four walls, she met her husband, best friend and discovered the magic of classic rock, managing to put herself through Kingsborough Community College and the English program at Pace University at the same time. Several stunted attempts to enter the work force as a journalist followed, but romance writing continued to demand her attention.

She now lives in Long Island, New York with her husband of eight years and four-year-old daughter. Although she is severely sleep-deprived, she is incredibly happy to be living her dream of writing about people falling in love.

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RELEASE DAY BLITZ – A Pirate’s Revenge by Meg Hennessy

A Pirate's Revenge Blitz Banner

by Meg Hennessy
Secrets of the Bayous #3
Publication Date: January 25, 2016
Genres: Adult, Historical, Romance

A Pirate's Revenge Cover

Purchase: Amazon | Amazon CA | Amazon UK | B&N | Kobo | iBooks

Synopsis: Rayna de La Roche once lived a privileged life of a Spanish royal until her brother dragged her to America. In order to return to Spain, she must find a hidden treasure somewhere in New Orleans. She pairs up with a rugged American mercenary, whose mere touch unleashes her deepest desire.

Captain Zachary Nash has been accused of a murder he did not commit. On the run, he’s hired to protect Rayna. As much as he wants her, Zach cannot hope to have her, for she sees him as a common criminal. But keeping his hands off of her while they hunt down the treasure may be his toughest task yet.

As the passion sizzles between the royal and the captain, they’ll have to decide if the treasure is more important than love…


A Pirate's Revenge 3D Cover


He turned toward his rescuer. “Ah, the princess pretends to sleep.”

, seems I have to sleep light these days.” She released the hammer of her pistol and hung it on her brace. “I have a magical knight. Sometimes you see him, sometimes you don’t.”

“But you did not sleep. Why?”

“Because I could not with a man in my room.” She sounded irritated, like she really had sacrificed sleep.

“For some reason, I don’t believe that was the first time you’ve had a man in your room.” He didn’t know what made him say that, except seeing her in those formfitting clothes reminded him of every time he had stood too near to her, touched her, and had to deny his feelings of wanting her. The days and nights of watching her from afar, in Cadiz, on Donato’s ship, and now here, she was the most desirable woman he’d ever seen.

“I amend, señor.” This time the princess laughed. “The first time I had a strange man in my room who was not sharing my bed.”

“You’ve had men share your bed.” He stated rather than asked because he was curious, having suspected the woman was…experienced. But hearing her say it niggled beneath his skin with just a tiny nip of jealously. To sleep in her bed, how would a man earn that right?

A smile arrested her entire beautiful face. “Again, a position you’ll never enjoy.”

He stopped walking beside her. He shouldn’t care, and knowing the Roches like he did, why would he be in the least bit curious? “Because I’m an American and you’re royalty?”

She honored his halt with a spin of her own, facing him.

Capitán,” she began in that thick Spanish accent. “I could have any man I desire. I have been bedded by kings, princes, dukes, and marquises. Why would I choose a barbaric common American?”

Maybe it was her upturned face catching the moonlight that enticed him, or the slight curve to her lips that interested him, but it was the deep lust he saw in her eyes that made him reckless.

“Because you want to.” He snagged her wrist, twisted it behind her back and brought her flush against his chest. He could feel her breathing. Her breasts pushed against his body with every inhalation in an age-old rhythm. Her lips parted slightly. He caught the flicker of her tongue as she moistened her lips—anticipating.


Meg Hennessy

Award winning author, Meg Hennessy, lives amid rolling hills of the Kettle Moraine in Wisconsin and got the bug to write while in college studying Nursing. Besides being a Registered Nurse and Clinical Hypnotherapist, Meg turned her attention to her writing career. With her father born and raised on Mississippi’s gulf coast, Meg grew up immersed in the culture of an old Southern family and writes with a strong Southern flavor. It was her sense of wonderment when visiting her grandmother’s home as a child that now bubbles upward into her writing of today. She likes to create high-energy characters against historically rich backdrops, offering her readers a vivid peek into the lives and loves of yesteryear. Her first novel, SHADOWS OF A SOUTHERN MOON, was awarded the EPIC award for Best Historical Romance in 2010, WHISPER OF GOLD, was a finalist for EPIC’s Best Western Romance. In 2011, she contracted with Entangled Publishing to write the Secrets of the Bayous Trilogy. The first book, DARK SECRETS, DEEP BAYOUS, was awarded the 2015 HOLT Award of Merit and was a finalist in the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence. Book two of the trilogy, A PIRATE’S COMMAND, was released July 2015, and Book three, the final book of the series, A PIRATE’S REVENGE, released January 25, 2016.

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5 Stars for THE END OF THE TRAIL by Louis Rakovich – BOOK REVIEW



Type of Book: eBook

Length: 26 pages

Genre: Fantasy, Thriller, Short Story

Release Date: January 7, 2016

Publisher: Amazon Digital Services 

Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 

~ This novella is currently being offered for free on Amazon.

“The End of the Trail” was published less than two weeks ago.


“A barren land of salt and snow; a castle where underground paths twist and turn in endless circles and a reclusive King has not shown his face in years; a forest where few things are what they seem. An unnamed hero must navigate through these places as he takes on the task of tracking down a supposed witch, in a story that blends dream and reality, rumour and truth, danger and hope.”


Louis Rakovich has created a unique and fascinating world and one heck of a good story.

I love the idea that the people live in a kingdom made from salt. He has even been able to give the reader a sense of history and of the permanence of their settlement.

For a story that only consists of 26 pages, the amount of detail included is incredible. This world of salt and snow could easily become the setting for a full-length novel or for many more short stories. 

Even though the main character is never named, readers will empathize with the struggles he has had to endure throughout his lifetime. This is achieved through skillful writing and the strategic doling out of information. 

The ending was a surprise which is always a good thing.  

I rate THE END OF THE TRAIL as 5 out of 5 stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 


Louis Rakovich writes sometimes- fantastical literary fiction. His short stories have appeared in numerous publications, including “Bartleby Snopes”, “Criminal Element” and “The Fiction Desk.” 

He grew up in Jerusalem, Israel, and currently divides his time between NYC and Tel Aviv. He is currently working on his first full-length novel – a psychological thriller.

During his free time, he enjoys cinema, curious objects and strange places. 

To find out more visit www.louisrakovich.com 

JUST THIS ONCE – Book Blitz & Giveaway


Just This Once
by Cee Smith
Publication Date: January 29, 2015


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Blaire didn’t know much about one-night stands, but she knew how they’re supposed to go. A night where inhibitions are thrown out, no names, no attachments, and in the morning you both go your separate ways, never to speak again. At least that’s what was supposed to happen.

Mother nature had other plans.

She established boundaries: No details, no more sex. But Joel was never much for following the rules. With a body built for sex and an appetite to match, one night with him would never be enough. Torn between the case that could make her legal career and a man who thinks of clothes as optional, how long could she stick to the rules?

About the Author

Cee Smith is a lover of the written word. Since first learning how to string a sentence together, she’s been putting pen to paper and hasn’t looked back. Though she’s no longer obsessed with blood and gore, the dark side still calls to her, often finding refuge in her current writings. Her addiction to reading is what finally inspired her to take a chance at publishing.

A California native, currently residing in North Carolina with her husband. She loves salacious stories, true love and forbidden romances—the more angst the better. Other than reading and writing, some of her other obsessions are peanut butter (don’t get her started), Michael Fassbender, and watching TV.

She loves talking about the creative process and what books she’s reading, so feel free to shoot her a line. Or if you just want to say hi that’s fine too. She swears she’ll respond.

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